Life in the "Knife"

Life in the "Knife" 4th annual C21 Prospect Realty Charity Golf Tournament – Our Best to Date! Every year our Century 21 Prospect Realty team looks forward to our annual charity golf tournament. This year’s event was held on Friday, June 11th, and it turned out to be our best tournament to date.  The weather was outstanding, and the generosity of our amazing sponsors was on full display.  Together we raised $40,000 […]
It’s Official: Dodgeball is a Hit! What an epic weekend!! On Saturday at the Multiplex our amazing HHT Concierge, Kelly Vos, organized and hosted our first annual military appreciation dodgeball tournament.  Our goal was to show our appreciation for everything the Canadian Armed Forces does for our community and our country, and also to provide a fun-filled afternoon and a shot […]
Life in the "Knife" A Look Back at Our 2021 Charity Golf Tournament CENTURY 21 PROSPECT REALTY IS PLEASED TO BE ABLE TO GIVE BACK! Today is St. Patrick’s Day, which means different things to different people.  For us here at Century 21 Prospect Realty, it’s the day of the year when we hold our first organizing meeting for our annual charity golf tournament. This tournament has become […]
Moving to Yellowknife The 8 Most Surprising Things About Yellowknife Many people who are thinking of moving to Yellowknife have never contemplated a move this far north.  For them, “Life in the Knife” is a bit mysterious.  When they arrive they are often surprised at what they find.  Here is our list of the top eight most surprising things about Yellowknife. #1 – It is […]
Gingerbread Competition 2017 Join us in celebrating the holiday season with building a gingerbread house! Let your kids build a house on their own or get the family together and have some fun. Entry categories: |  5 & Under |  6-9 yrs old |  10-13 yrs old |  14-17 yrs old |  Family Judging: Gingerbread homes will be judged […]
2017 CENTURY 21’S SNOWKING FESTIVAL COLOURING CONTEST Get out yer crayons,  it’s time for our 3rd annual Century 21 Snowking Festival Colouring Contest!  To download your copy of the 2017 entry form, click here. Submit by March 14, 2017 at 6pm for your (or your kids, or both) chance to win two passes to the Capitol Theatre in each of the age categories (0-3yrs, 4-6, 7-8, […]
Century 21’s SnowKing Festival Colouring Contest Get out yer crayons!  It’s time for our 3rd annual Century 21 Snowking Festival Colouring Contest!  To download your copy of the 2016 entry form, click here. Submit by March 24, 2016 at 6pm for your (or your kids, or both) chance to win two passes to the Capitol Theatre in each of seven age categories […]
Education and Advocacy Northlands is Back on the Market This afternoon CMHC circulated an update to lenders confirming that effective immediately it will once again insure mortgages in the Northlands neighbourhood.  CMHC withdrew its support for mortgages in the area way back on April 10, 2010, due to sewer and water infrastructure issues (see this CBC article with the April 10th announcement).  CMHC’s withdrawl led to to a “hands off” stance […]
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For Renters Yellowknife Vacancy Rate Cut in Half This morning the CMHC released its Spring 2015 Rental Market Statistics Report.  Amazingly, Yellowknife’s rental apartment and townhouse vacancy rate was slashed from 5.3% a year ago to 2.4% this spring.  And the reduction would have been even greater had an additional 52 units not been added to the inventory. To get a sense of how […]
Life in the "Knife" New Cabin Lots Coming This Summer In the Legislative Assembly yesterday, Minister of Lands, Robert C. McLeod, announced a summer 2015 ballot draw for 22 new cabin lots on lakes adjacent to the Ingraham Trail.  For all the details, see the press release here. Not much info is available at this time, but more will be coming on May 1.  
Life in the "Knife" Grace Lake South Update We’ve been fielding a lot of questions lately about the timeline for the sale of Grace Lake South lots.  Earlier today we received the following update from Jeff Humble, Director of Planning and Development at the City of Yellowknife: “Public Works is working on the road profile which will provide the basis for the layout […]
Volunteers Needed Today to Help Clean Up Downtown Yellowknife It’s that time of year.  The snow has melted, leaving behind an unwanted bounty of Bounty wrappers, among other things.  As in years past, the Yellowknife Trash Pick-Up Artists will be getting together on Wednesdays at 5pm at Javaroma to take on this perennial pest.  Today is our first session of 2012. The Pick-Up Artists […]