Considering a Career 20 December 2022

The Top Ten Reasons I Love My Job

People often ask me about the pros and cons of working as a Realtor.  While I’ve read dozens of books and articles on the subject, I’ve never found a summary as succinct and spot-on as this 2013 article by Amy Curtis: “The Top Ten Reasons I Love My Job.”

The holiday season is a time when a lot of people reflect on their chosen career path and consider making a switch. If anyone you know has ever considered a career in real estate, please share Curtis’ article with them.

I won’t poach the entire article here, but I will list the author’s top ten reasons and I encourage anyone interested to follow one of my links and explore further.

1. People and their stories

2. Each day it’s something new

3. You never stop learning

4. Real Estate Agents are a hoot…and I get to hang out with them everyday

5. A chance to do good

6. You can let your freedom flag fly

7. You get to solve mysteries

8. Outlet for Creativity

9. You won’t get fired or laid off

10. I do love houses

Of course, every Realtor would come up with a slightly different “top ten.” Personally I would place #6 (“let your freedom flag fly”) much higher on the list. As someone who is drawn to the entrepreneurial side of the small business world, the ability to build and shape my own business is a significant source of fulfillment.  And once you’ve experienced it, it’s hard to give up.

There are a couple of other aspects of this “freedom” that are worth mentioning.

1. Real estate sales is a true meritocracy – you get out of it what you put in and you don’t need to rely on anyone else for advancement and success.

And 2., although you have a lot of responsibilities, you have the full authority to carry them out. There are no gatekeepers or layers of authority standing between you and a job well done. That’s certainly not true of all careers and it can make the difference between significant frustration and fulfillment.

Happy Holidays to all, and if you’d like to chat about becoming a Realtor don’t hesitate to reach out!